Ko tenei taputapu miihini e whakahaerehia ana e te punaha CNC, ka taea te whakahaere i nga toki servo e ono i te wa ano, ka taea e ia te keri i nga kohao rarangi me te whakarite kohao, ka taea e ia te keri rua i te wa kotahi me te huri i te 180 nga nekehanga ki te whakatika i te upoko mo te keri, kei a ia te mahi o te mahi kotahi me te mahi o te huringa-aunoa, kia taea ai e ia te whakatutuki i nga whakaritenga o te hanga iti-rota tae atu ki nga whakaritenga o te tukatuka whakaputa papatipu.
Ko te taputapu miihini he moenga, T-slot table, CNC rotary table and W-axis servo feeding system, column, gun drill rod box and BTA drill rod box, slide table, gun drill feeding system and BTA feeding system, gun drill guide anga me te kai hinu hinu BTA, te kairiiri rakau pu me te kaimau rakau drill BTA, te punaha whakamahana, te punaha hiko, te punaha whakahaere hiko, te taputapu tango maramara aunoa, te whakamarumaru katoa me etahi atu waahanga nui.
Te awhe o nga diameter keri mo nga whakawai pu .......................................... ................ ..φ5-φ30mm
Te hōhonutanga keri morahi o te keri pu ............................................... .2200mm
Te awhe diameter keri BTA ........................... ..................φ25 -φ80mm
BTA awhe diameter hōhā ........................... ..................φ40 -φ200mm
BTA Te hohonutanga o te tukatuka ............................... .................. 3100mm
Te haerenga poutū morahi o te kiriata(Tuka-Y)........................ ...... 1000mm
Morahi haere taha taha o te ripanga (tuaka-X)........................... ...... 1500mm
Te haerenga tepu hurihuri CNC (Tuka-W)............................. ...... 550mm
Te awhe roa o te mea mahi hurihuri ........................... ...............2000~3050mm
Te diameter teitei o te mea mahi .............................................................. .....φ400mm
Te tere hurihanga teitei o te ripanga hurihuri ........................... ...............5.5r /min
Awhe tere porowhita o te pouaka wiri pu ........................... .........600~4000r/min
Awhe tere porowhita o te pouaka drill BTA ........................ ............60~1000r/ min
Awhe tere whāngai porowhita ........................... ..................5 ~500mm/min
Te awhe pehanga o te punaha tapahi ................................................................... ..1-8MPa (ka taea te whakarite)
Te awhe rere o te punaha whakamatao .......................... ......100,200,300,400L/min
Te kawenga morahi o te ripanga hurihuri ............................................................... 3000Kg
Ko te kawenga morahi o te ripanga T-slot ........................... ...............6000Kg
Te tere haere o te pouaka wiri ............................................... .2000mm/min
Te tere whakawhiti tere o te ripanga kiriata ............................... ................. ....2000mm/min
Te tere whakawhiti tere o te ripanga T-slot ........................... ......... 2000mm/min
Puka drill rakau pouaka motini hiko .......................... ................. .5.5kW
BTA drill rod box motor power ............................... ................. .30kW
X-tuaka servo motopaika taipana ............................... ................. ....36N.m
Y-axis servo motopaika taipana ........................... ................. ....36N.m
Z1 tuaka servo motopaika taipana ........................... .................. ...11N.m
Z2 tuaka servo motopaika taipana ........................... .................. ...48N.m
W-tuaka servo motopaika taipana ........................... ................. .... 20N.m
B-tuaka servo motopaika taipana ........................... ................. .... 20N.m
Te mana motini papu whakamahana .............................................................. ..11+3 X 5.5 Kw
Te mana nekeneke papu waikura .............................................................. ..1.5Kw
T-slot mata mahi rahi tepu .......................... ............2500X1250mm
Tepu hurihuri te rahi tepu mata mahi ........................... ...............800 X800mm
Pūnaha whakahaere CNC .............................................................. ....... Siemens 828D